Thursday, May 10, 2012

Building AJAX-enabled JSF Portlets in IBM WebSphere Portal 7

This note summarise different approaches to implement an AJAX-enabled JSF portlet in IBM WebSphere Portal 7. The portlet used in the demo has a simple UI that consists of two elements, one list box that has two items and one text label. When AJAX is enabled to the portlet, once the list box selected item changes, an AJAX request is sent to refresh the text label.

Implementation 1 - IBM JSF Portlet bridge 1.2 with IBM JSF Extension Components

IBM WebSphere Portal 7 comes with a JSF Portlet bridge 1.2 that supports JSF 1.2 based portlet development. As JSF 1.2 doesn't have built-in AJAX support, IBM JSF Extension Components are used to provide AJAX functionalities, as shown in the code below

<%@taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="portlet"%>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="hx"%>

<%@page language="java" contentType="text/html"
  pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%><portlet:defineObjects />
  <portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.xml.*" />
  <portlet-client-model:require module="ibm.portal.portlet.*" />
  <hx:scriptCollector id="scriptCollector1">
    <h:form styleClass="form" id="form1">
      <h:selectOneListbox id="listbox1">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Label1" 
          itemValue="Value1" id="selectItem1" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Label2" 
          itemValue="Value2" id="selectItem2" />
      <hx:behavior event="onchange" target="listbox1" 
        behaviorAction="get" targetAction="group1"></hx:behavior>
    <h:panelGroup styleClass="panelGroup" id="group1">
      <h:outputText styleClass="outputText" id="text1"
      value="Hello, #{param.listbox1} "></h:outputText>
    <hx:ajaxRefreshRequest target="group1" 

Implementation 2 - JSF 2.0 Portlet Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal

There is a JSF 2.0 Portlet Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal available from Greenhouse Lotus that allows developing portlets based on JSF 2.0 specifications with MyFaces 2.0. With JSF 2.0 build-in AJAX support, the demo can be implemented as JSF code shown in below.

<div xmlns="" 
 xmlns:portlet=""  >
    <h:selectOneListbox styleClass="selectOneListbox" 
      id="listbox1" value="#{testBean.text}">
      <f:selectItem itemLabel="Label1" itemValue="Value1"/>
      <f:selectItem itemLabel="Label2" itemValue="Value2"/>
      <f:ajax render="text1" execute="@this"/> 
    <h:outputText id="text1"
      value="Hello, #{testBean.text} ">

Implementation 3 - ICEfaces Enterprise Edition (EE) 3.0

ICEfaces Enterprise Edition 3.0 provides a PortletFaces Bridge Extensions library that supports JSF 2.0 based portlets on WebSphere Portal 7. The demo can be implemented using the same JSF code as Implementation 2 above with MyFaces 2.0 or Mojarra 2.1, additional change required is add the container runtime option below in portlet.xml.


All three implementations are tested in WebSphere Portal and WAS with different theme and render modes, the results are summarised in the table below.

Implementation Page Builder theme - SSA Page Builder theme - CSA Portal theme - SSA only Notes
IBM JSF Portlet bridge 1.2 with IBM JSF Extension Components works as expected The portlet is rendered but AJAX doesn't work, no Javascript errors works as expected  
JSF 2.0 Portlet Bridge for IBM WebSphere Portal (MyFaces 2.0) works as expected works as expected works as expected The library is provided as is, with no support from IBM
ICEfaces Enterprise Edition 3.0 (MyFaces 2.0/Mojarra 2.1) works as expected The portlet is unable to render with exceptions from the bridge The portlet is rendered but AJAX doesn't work with Javascript errors Commercial license required


  1. Hi.

    Do you know if there is a facelet version of "" taglib?
    we use JSF 1.2 and facelets in Portal 7 and we are desperately trying to make Ajax works.

  2. Hi HervĂ©, not sure what are the issues you are experiencing, the only limitation I am aware is JWL AJAX doesn’t support CSA model.

  3. Hello Youheng.

    Thank you for your answer.

    The issue we have is that we use facelets and not JSPs and the hx taglib is a jsp taglin, not a facelet taglib so it cannot work in a facelet-only portlet.

    Anyway, it looks that some developers found a way to directly call a servlet using an ajax call so this issue is closed :)

    Thanks again for your reply.
